Sunday, April 17, 2005

the first post

The First Post

I always wanted to keep a diary. I have tried 3 times to date, actually and never ever got past page 3. So what started out as "My Diary" always ends up as another scrapbook with the first few pages torn out.

It always boils down to the fact that I am downright lazy to persist in something that you do at the end of the day, when you are the most tired and would trade staying up the extra few minutes for being able to jump into bed. The battle between the inner self telling me "Just that few minutes of writing... keep at it" and the fatigued muscles that seem to be shutting down by the second has only one outcome...victory for the Z monster.

so after 3 neglected scrapbooks, I'm making a 4th try here online, where *gasp* thoughts are open for all to see. If this ever fails like the previous 3, at least there is no guilt for me to face everytime I see the scrapbooks in the room. No wasted paper. No problem.

more later, I just wanna try out how the layouts and stuff look...This is like a new toy =)